Tuesday, June 4, 2013

5. Southern Tagalog

Southern Tagalog, orRegion IV,

was a region of the Philippines that is now composed of Region IV-A (CALABARZON) and Region IV-B (MIMAROPA). Region IV was split into the two regions on May 17, 2002. Before the split, Southern Tagalog was the largest region in terms of both population and area.

Region IV is divided into two, Region IV-A CALABARAZON to include  the provinces of Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal and Quezon. Region IV B  MIMAROPA to include Mindoro (Oriental and Occidental) Marinduque,  Romblon and Palawan.

There are four (4) Congressional Districts within the province of  Batangas. The most populous being the Second District (to which Batangas  City belongs) and the Fourth District. Batangas province has three  cities,  Batangas City (the Capital)  Lipa City and Tanauan City. In addition,  Batangas province has 31 municipalities.

The Congressional Districts outside the province but within the region are Oriental Mindoro, Occidental Mindoro, Laguna, Quezon, Cavite, Romblon and Rizal. These districts are the source of patients  of the Batangas Regional Hospital, the primary source being the province of Batangas. The island provinces of Oriental and Occidental Mindoro comes next probably because the port of Batangas is the gateway to South Luzon and the first  stop.

The Legend of Mount Mayon

Makusotg, the tribal chief of Rawis, had a daughter, Daragang Magayon, whose outward beauty was matched by her kind heart. Her suitors were legion, including Pagtuga, a handsome warrior but arrogant chief of the Iragas.
But, Magayon's heart belonged to the noble Ulap, son of the Chief Karilaya of the Tagalogs. Thus, he gathered his warriors to fight for his beloved.
In the ensuing battle, Ulap slayed Pagtuga. Overjoyed, Magayon rushed to embrace Ulap. But as she did so, a stray arrow hit her. As Ulap cradled the dying Magayon in his arms, one of Pagtuga's captains threw his spear at Ulap and killed him.
The death of Ulap and Magayon sobered the people. Chief Makusog himself buried the two lovers in a single grave. Much to the people's astonishment, the grave grew higher and higher until a majestic mountain towered over their town.
These days, when the top of Mount Mayon is veiled with clouds, people say that it is Ulap kissing Magayon. And when rain fall, they say those are his tears mourning their last love. http://baikilasaiden.blogspot.com/2013/06/i-isles-of-my-portfolio-in-literature.html

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